What We Are Doing

We are a religion of “deeds, not creeds.”
As Unitarian Universalists we covenant to promote “The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all” as one of our seven Principles. In order to do the work this goal requires, we practice “soul care” in our church through our services, Religious Education for children, youth and adults, and Pastoral Care and lay-led care for the specific needs of members. As a result, our members have the strength, courage and compassion to reach out into our communities and the world to meet identified needs.
We have diverse interests in responding to the needs we see in our communities and world, and individually are active in a number of social justice and community activities in the area such as volunteering for local food pantries, caring for local natural areas and wildlife, meeting with social justice groups in the area to plan coordinated events, attending events that are inclusive of the LGBTQ community, donating books to local community centers, and many others.
Some of our current and recent projects as a congregation include:
- Raising and harvesting hundreds of pounds of fresh produce from a garden on our property to donate to a local food pantry
- Working on the steps to renew our recognition from the Unitarian Universalist Association as a Welcoming Congregation for the LGBTQ community
- Planting a butterfly garden on our property to support Monarch butterflies and other pollinators
- Organizing regular drives to collect non-food items, such as toothbrushes, shampoo, and diapers, for distribution through a local community resource center
- Participating in the local Great American Clean-up to remove litter from our area roadways
- Donating school supplies to a local high-need elementary school
- Joining others in Lobby Day in Springfield to advocate for Clean Energy
- Collecting nonperishable food items and restaurant gift cards to be distributed to homeless teens through a local food pantry and homeless teen program
- Providing a monthly worship service at a local assisted living facility
- Distributing packets of milkweed seed at a local farmers’ market to encourage support for Monarch butterflies in our region
- Participating in climate justice rallies
- Selling Fair Trade goods to our community to support world artisans with fair wages and safe working conditions
- Marching for peace and justice issues
- Hosting a Trans Family Photo Exhibit open to the community
- Attending local events to share the values of Unitarian Universalism
- Holding an annual ceremony around our Peace Pole commemorating the International Day of Peace
- Sponsoring a Listen Lead Share discussion about Clean Energy Jobs
- Conducting a church fundraiser to support Fair Trade farmers around the world with fair wages, organic farming practices and safe working conditions
- Becoming certified as a Wildlife Habitat
- Offering a training on diversity and inclusion led by a transgender woman
- Organizing and holding an interfaith rally to honor the International Day of Peace
- Hosting a multicultural music event
Why It Is Important
Every day, people and families are inundated with information, overwhelmed by demands, and pulled by a culture that seems to seek to divide us from each other and from the web of life. Unitarian Universalism reconnects: bringing meaning, community, and spirituality to our lives. Here we invite you into deeper relationship with all that is, and all that you experience: change, life, loss, beauty, love, failings, hope, sorrow, joy.
The world is hurting in many ways; people are hurting in many ways. Humanity needs thoughtful, pragmatic doers who can walk a path of compassion, justice, and interconnectedness. We affirm life—this life—and every day we strive to bless life with what we do.
Seven days a week, UUs live their faith by doing. Whether in community with others or as an individual, we have a moral responsibility of active, tangible expressions of peace, liberty and justice. We are creators of positive change in ourselves and other people, and in the world.