• Words of Welcome
  • Announcements – brief announcements to inform members about church activities
  • Prelude – a musical selection to help participants settle in for the beginning of the service
  • Lighting the Chalice – the candle in the chalice is lit to set a tone of reverence
  • Stating our MissionThe mission of this congregation is to create community, celebrate worship, seek justice and truth and live guided by love.
  • Readings – readings, ancient or modern, related to the topic of the service
  • Joys and Concerns – a time for members to share events from their week in celebration or in seeking support
  • Meditation or Prayer – a brief time of meditation or prayer to reflect on shared joys and concerns
  • Story for All Ages – a story in oral form or picture book may be included as it relates to the topic
  • Songs – singing together songs from our UUA tradition
  • Offertory – the collection of pledges and donations to support the ongoing work of the church
  • Message – the sermon or talk to help us grow in living our UU Principles 
  • Postlude – a musical selection to allow for a moment of reflection before ending the service
  • Closing Circle – all participants join hands in a circle and sing a traditional song: “From you I receive, to you I give, together we share and from this we live.” (#402 in Singing the Living Tradition, Boston, MA: Unitarian Universalist Association, 1993)

This represents a typical Sunday Order of Service, but sometimes we vary this, such as when we have an intergenerational service with the children and youth providing some of the leadership, when a special ceremony is incorporated, or when we have a musical service in celebration of a holiday. Our summer services might also be structured differently and held outdoors, when possible. We recommend that you attend three or four services to get a feel for the congregation, its services and its mission.

Service Leadership: Our services are led by our half-time Minister twice each month. On the other Sundays, the service will likely be led by a visiting minister or a lay leader, a member of the congregation. Occasionally, a representative from a community organization aligned with Unitarian Universalist values will provide the message with a Worship Committee Associate providing leadership support for the rest of the service.

Dress: Our church is mostly a casual gathering place. While some may choose to dress up, for the most part people come in comfortable attire.

Offering: Members make pledges to support the continued good work of the church. While the offering plate is passed throughout the congregation, visitors should not feel any obligation to add to the plate. You are our guest – we are simply pleased you chose to visit us!

Introductions: You will not be asked to stand and introduce yourself in the service. Likely, you will have been warmly greeted by members as you arrived and can introduce yourself then. Wearing a name tag will allow others to greet you by name. Join us for fellowship after the service and introduce yourself to others as you wish.

Fellowship: A time of fellowship follows the service. Coffee and tea, as well as beverages for children (juice, hot chocolate) are provided. Members take turns bringing treats to share. While we cannot anticipate specific dietary needs of visitors, we are happy to try to meet special needs when possible. This fellowship time provides an opportunity for members and visitors to talk and connect with one another – please join us if you can!

Accessibility: We are working to become increasingly accessible. Our church has a ramp leading to the first floor where the sanctuary is located. Several Accessible Parking spaces are designated in the parking lot. Our bathrooms are not yet fully accessible. Grab bars are installed in some bathroom stalls. Microphones are used by speakers during the service to amplify the sound. Large print hymnals are available – please ask if you would like one. The fellowship time is held on the first floor so that all may participate.

We are truly excited that you are here and welcome you to our community!