Our Governance
Unitarian Universalist Association member: The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rock Valley has been recognized as a member of the Unitarian Universalist Association since 2003. The UUAs 1000+ member congregations covenant to promote and affirm the Seven Principles. Individual congregations act independently of the UUA and are self-governed.
Our fifth Principle states that we covenant to affirm and promote “The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large.” The democratic process, including voting, is used at both the UUA level and at the congregational level.
Congregation, Bylaws, Board of Trustees and Policies: The congregation has the ultimate authority in matters of policy, purposes, property, and ministerial employment. The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rock Valley is governed by Bylaws that are voted on by the congregation with revisions as needed every two years. Members meet in an Annual Meeting each June to vote on a budget and a minister (if needed), and to elect leaders, including a Board of Trustees, consisting of 4 executive officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer) and a Trustee, which is chosen by ballot from among those who are active members of the congregation. The Board develops and approves Policies.
The Board meets monthly in the library/office. All members are welcome to attend.
Board Covenant: We, the members of the Board of Trustees do covenant to affirm this framework of expectations in order to build and maintain our relationships with one another and guide our work for this congregation:
- To keep the best interest of the congregation at heart
- To stay connected with the Unitarian Universalist Association and uphold the Principles
- To explore and deepen our spirituality through the work we do
- To listen to one another and avoid interrupting
- To seek to understand everyone’s opinion and to value those opinions
- To assume positive intent
- To expect and welcome differences of opinion
- To allow time for consideration of ideas
- To seek consensus whenever possible
- To speak to the congregation with one voice
- To avoid triangulation and talk directly to other members
- To use “I” statements and speak for yourself
- To honor confidentiality
- To both give and receive constructive feedback
- To be on time and to be prepared
- To be succinct in our sharing and use our time together efficiently
- To maintain and respect clear boundaries
- To give freely of encouragement and praise
- To call each other to account when the covenant is not being honored
- To maintain perspective and a sense of humor
- To stay in relationship with one another, even in conflict
- To give a fair share of our time, talents and treasures
- To have fun
We understand this covenant, not as a list of rules, but rather promises we make to each other to promote healthy relationships in our work for this congregation.
Drafted August 19, 2017
The Board appoints committees to serve the needs of the congregation, including:
- Finance
- Faith Formations
- Membership
- Building and Grounds
- Spruce Up
- Technology Advancements
- Fundraising
- Social Justice
- Music
- Newsletter
- Nominating
- Other Committees as Needed
Professional Staff: Our congregation is staffed by a ½ time Minister who participates in shared ministry with our lay leaders, including attending Board meetings and Committee Meetings (as possible). The Minister is included in meetings of the Board of Trustees, but is not a voting member.